Friday, January 15, 2010

Kimmy Keegan should never wear Balenciaga

Ugly Betty, really?! Would Balenciaga approve...

"They don't make it over a size 6 for a reason. WE ALL KNOW THE BACK ISN'T ZIPPED, LINDSAY. Girl needs to work," says David.

Goodnight and love from Chelsea,
David and Emilie

PS: Aviel, my partner in crime is such a party animal. While I am in, catching up on some much needed fashion trivia and Fashionista (because David hasn't had his daily dose), Aviel is in Brooklyn. Hope you're having fun, sweet girl. Make sure to take silly pictures of the lacy drop-crotch pants and stretchy waist-belts -_-

PSS: David needs to stop walking in 6 inch aqua platforms. Trannies are not a good look at 1:54am.

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